Saturday, December 17, 2011

Blog Hop Winner!

The winner of the prize at my blog is Nanbon44, congratulations!  This was such fun, thank you everyone that participated, and a big thank you to Michelle for hosting this blog hop.  I have made many new friends, whom I am sure I will learn lots of new things from.
All you followers stay tuned for a contest next week for my followers.


  1. Congratulations Nanbon44. Enjoy the treasure that will soon be at your doorstep. Thank you Gerri for hosting a giveaway. I'll be watching next week.

  2. Thanks for a great giveaway! and congratulations to Nanbon44!

  3. Gerri, you are the winner at my blog hop.. the apron and patterns are all packaged up and ready to go. Send me a private message with your addy and I will get them on the way! Congrats and thanks for participating!!

    Merry Christmas!

  4. Congratulations nanbon! One of my followers! yay!!
