My newest pattern is for a pajama bag, something that has not been around for a long time. I had one when I was a child, well into my teens! I loved it, a dog that layed on his belly and held the jammies until the evening when I got ready for bed.
Well, since I am getting a little grand daughter this fall, I was thinking about my pajama bag and thought it was time to bring them back! Well, you know I like cats, so Cool Cat Pajama Bag was born! They are fun to make and can be made to match any quilt that you make, a bonus gift!
My twin nieces are both expecting soon as well as my daughter, so I did make them the matching baby quilts and Cool Cat Pajama Bags. The quilt pattern is one of my newest patterns called Shadow Dance.
My patterns are now available as pdf's on Craftsy.,49951
Great job.