Hello there, I have been very busy and have not blogged in a very long time. It is time again for a Blog Hop, so what better time to get back at blogging! With Christmas almost here I am sure everyone is busy decorating, shopping and cooking. I will be decorating and baking later today.
To be eligable to win my prize you should follow my blog and answer my question. The question is
"What are your favorite home made cookies?", now this is a hard one for me as I have never met a
cookie that I didn't like! I think my favorite is shortbread, the ones made with brown sugar, my friend Debbie makes the best! My second favorite is molasses crinkles, I love these and may make some today.
If you would like your name in twice, go to my fanpage on facebook and like it. I will be having a contest starting later this week.
This contest runs until December 16, that is one week. I will ship internationally, remember to check out all the blogs at The Quilting Gallery, the link is below.
My prize is 2 patterns, Achy Breaky Hearts and Little Bits, and a bag made from my Bits & Bites pattern. Good luck to all! Check out all the blogs at: http://quiltinggallery.com/quilters-fun/quilters-blog-hop-party/