Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year Give-Away !

Happy New Year to all!  I will be spending the evening at home with my husband watching the ball drop in New York.  It is my birthday tomorrow, so I will have a little birthday cake along with some other goodies!  You still have time to enter my contest, just tell me your favorite toy that you received as a child.  I am loving reading the responses, brings back lots of memories.

Do not forget that I need your e-mail address to contact you, if it is not on your profile when I press on your name, you could send it to me at  Good luck to everyone!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Quilted Contest!!

Merry Christmas everyone!  I am sure you are all as busy as I am, cooking, wrapping, cleaning!!  Now that my children are older it is much easier, it seems so much busier when they are little. 
As promised here is a Christmas contest, you need to be a follower to participate.  Make sure that I can get in touch with you by e-mail in case you win.  My prize is a finished bag, I thought this might be nice for this time of year when everyone is so busy.  This bag is made from Bali Batiks and I used my pattern Bits and Bites.  There are long pockets on either side of the lining.  Good Luck!
Now what I would like you to do, is tell me your favorite gift - as a child!  This is a hard one for me, but I think it would have to be my Chatty Baby Doll.  Does anyone remember those?  She was the younger sister of Chatty Cathy.  You have until Jan 1 to add your comments, I will draw on Jan 2.  Good luck, and have a very Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Blog Hop Winner!

The winner of the prize at my blog is Nanbon44, congratulations!  This was such fun, thank you everyone that participated, and a big thank you to Michelle for hosting this blog hop.  I have made many new friends, whom I am sure I will learn lots of new things from.
All you followers stay tuned for a contest next week for my followers.

Friday, December 16, 2011

More Quilters Christmas Trees!

Here are some pictures of my to real Christmas trees.  I love the lights, and anything sparkly!  The purple is my favorite.  The white, silver and gold is kind of neat because I need something to use instead of tinsel, with 4 cats tinsel is a very bad thing!  I took feather boas and cut them into pieces, I think it looks pretty good, and the cats don't bother too much with it.

Stay tuned in for another contest for my followers I will tell you about it when the blog hop is done.

Monday, December 12, 2011

A Quilter's Christmas Trees

Here are 2 more of my Christmas trees.  The white one is new this year, I have wanted one for several years.  It is in my dining room, and my daughter gave me most of the little snowmen.  I added a wide ribbon garland to fill in the holes, when in front of a window the light shines in and through the tree.  I found the little snowflakes at Canadian Tire and the snowball ornaments at the Superstore. I bought the tree last year after Christmas, so got a great deal on it.
The other little tree is in a bathroom.  I made the ornaments using leftover bali fabrics and wild yarns.  The topper is a kitty angel, it came as one of those cut out wood pieces, I painted it, and added wings. 

I still have more trees to show you later.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Trees!

I love to decorate for Christmas, and I have lots of Christmas trees.  Too many for one post, so I will break it up.  The little one on the old sewing cabinet is in my kitchen.  Did I mention that I love purple?  The little scene is in an entry way, and I like these quirky little birds!  The three trees together are the most traditional of all my trees, decorated with acorns and raffia.  I am all decorated for Christmas, now it is time to make some cookies!

Friday, December 9, 2011

My First Blog Hop and Give Away

I am happy to be part of the blog hop and give away that is happening thanks to The Quilting Galleries Blog Hop Party with Giveaways.  Just hit the button on the left, or go to There is a long list of bloggers for you to check out, all with giveaways.
I am giving a Bali Pop and 2 of my patterns, Bali Bags and Little Bits.  These are very popular patterns, and you can get all 4 bags and the wallet set out of 1 Bali Pop.   Part of the fun is seperating the Bali Pop into 4 piles, each will become a bag.  There are 40 different fabrics in the Bali Pop, I find this makes for interesting bags.  Use the leftover pieces to make the wallet set.
This is my first blog hop, or give-away.  I am relatively new at blogging and am not all that great at it, but I feel I am learning more all the time.  I do enjoy reading other blogs, and I am learning alot from them.

If you leave a comment, and I would love you to become a follower, I will be drawing a random name at the end of the blog hop I will number them.  I will use to pick a number for me.  Make sure that I can reach you, in case you win.  Good luck everyone, and I hope I make some new friends!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Crazy Daizy Quilts

Here are two of the quilts that my friend and student, Cherry,  made.  I love this line of fabric with the little birds, I actually used it the first time I made this pattern.

Cherry only started sewing 1 year ago in October, she is from Brazil and is living in Canada for a few years, lucky for us!  She is fantastic, and I have never seen anyone catch on so quickly to everything, amazing!  She quilted these herself also!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sara, The 9-Year Old Quilter Finishes Her Quilt Top - Easy Peasy!!!

Well, Sara was very excited on Monday evening, she finished her quilt top!  Next week she will quilt it on the sewing machine herself, then the binding, I think on the machine too.  She is so excited, she has big plans for this quilt, although it is a secret for now.  Sara is already planning her next project, I am not sure her grandmother, Marie, expected that!  Marie just finished her quilt on Monday evening, I will post a picture of her Easy Peasy later.  Sara has plans to make a change purse from my pattern Little Bits.  That will be a great second project for her, very easy!  Just in case you are wondering the pattern that Sara used is Easy Peasy.

10-Minute Block done my way!

Here is a quilt that I made for my niece, Martha for her wedding to Mark.  Here house is very victorian, so the quilt will match well.  I have already given it to her and she loves it! 
It is the 10 - minute block, however, I did not like the 10" blocks, too big!  I tried several sizes, and settled on 7 1/2" blocks, this way you can use a 15" square to square up your blocks, I like to square everything!
I actually taught this class as a mystery class last week, there are some pictures on my blog of some of those quilts, back a few days.  The picture is taken on my bed, and yes, that is Ty!  He just loves to get in pictures!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Quilting Day - Big Snow Storm!!

Well, usually on Wednesday I teach 2 quilting classes, but today there is a big snowstorm.  I have cancelled the classes, the roads are too dangerous to be on.  I will miss all my ladies today, but am working on my next mystery class.  This class will be done with a partner, and they will trade some blocks, should be very interesting.
These pictures were taken just outside my house, it is very pretty when you do not have to go out in it.  Today is the busiest travel day in the U.S., so I do hope everone gets home for their Thanksgiving holiday.  We Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving in October, but love to watch the U.S. Thanksgiving Macy's Parade on Thursday, looking forward to that!
Happy Thanksgiving


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

9 Year Old Quilter, Sara, First Border !

Well, you can see by the hugh smile on her face, that Sara is so pleased with her quilt!  She has her first border on, and is ready to add the second.  The second border is the fabric that she is holding up, her favorite colour is, yup, you guessed it, PURPLE.  Next week she will add the last border and then she will quilt it herself on the sewing machine.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Myster Class for November

I held a mystery class yesterday at Town & Country Quilts in Rothesay.  The only instructions that the ladies were given was to cut squares into 7 1/2" squares.  They had the choice of either a 2 colour combination, or a 3 colour combination, and could choose what size they would like to make.  They were given the proper amount of squares to cut out.  We all had a great time, and the quilts are all fantastic!  It seems that we all love a good mystery!