Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sara, The 9-Year Old Quilter Finishes Her Quilt Top - Easy Peasy!!!

Well, Sara was very excited on Monday evening, she finished her quilt top!  Next week she will quilt it on the sewing machine herself, then the binding, I think on the machine too.  She is so excited, she has big plans for this quilt, although it is a secret for now.  Sara is already planning her next project, I am not sure her grandmother, Marie, expected that!  Marie just finished her quilt on Monday evening, I will post a picture of her Easy Peasy later.  Sara has plans to make a change purse from my pattern Little Bits.  That will be a great second project for her, very easy!  Just in case you are wondering the pattern that Sara used is Easy Peasy.

10-Minute Block done my way!

Here is a quilt that I made for my niece, Martha for her wedding to Mark.  Here house is very victorian, so the quilt will match well.  I have already given it to her and she loves it! 
It is the 10 - minute block, however, I did not like the 10" blocks, too big!  I tried several sizes, and settled on 7 1/2" blocks, this way you can use a 15" square to square up your blocks, I like to square everything!
I actually taught this class as a mystery class last week, there are some pictures on my blog of some of those quilts, back a few days.  The picture is taken on my bed, and yes, that is Ty!  He just loves to get in pictures!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Quilting Day - Big Snow Storm!!

Well, usually on Wednesday I teach 2 quilting classes, but today there is a big snowstorm.  I have cancelled the classes, the roads are too dangerous to be on.  I will miss all my ladies today, but am working on my next mystery class.  This class will be done with a partner, and they will trade some blocks, should be very interesting.
These pictures were taken just outside my house, it is very pretty when you do not have to go out in it.  Today is the busiest travel day in the U.S., so I do hope everone gets home for their Thanksgiving holiday.  We Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving in October, but love to watch the U.S. Thanksgiving Macy's Parade on Thursday, looking forward to that!
Happy Thanksgiving


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

9 Year Old Quilter, Sara, First Border !

Well, you can see by the hugh smile on her face, that Sara is so pleased with her quilt!  She has her first border on, and is ready to add the second.  The second border is the fabric that she is holding up, her favorite colour is, yup, you guessed it, PURPLE.  Next week she will add the last border and then she will quilt it herself on the sewing machine.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Myster Class for November

I held a mystery class yesterday at Town & Country Quilts in Rothesay.  The only instructions that the ladies were given was to cut squares into 7 1/2" squares.  They had the choice of either a 2 colour combination, or a 3 colour combination, and could choose what size they would like to make.  They were given the proper amount of squares to cut out.  We all had a great time, and the quilts are all fantastic!  It seems that we all love a good mystery!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sara The 9-Year Old Quilter Works on Her Quilt

Sara is coming along nicely with her quilt.  She has finished all of her blocks and is ready to piece the quilt together!  She is pretty excited!  She has picked out her border, and seems to really like purple, isn't that odd for a little girl?  Most little girls seem to love pink and purple, I still do!

I have been sick for the last 2 weeks with a cold that dosn't want to leave, I will take lots more pictures this week, I am feeling a little better.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Victorian Styled Quilt

Here is the quilt I just finished as a wedding gift for my niece for her wedding.  It will look great in the Victorian house that they are renovating.  I am all finished except the hand stitching of the binding, this will take several hours because the quilt is very large, about 105" x 110".  Of course Pippa and Ty can't resist climbing on top of the quilt before she gets it!